Regulations on a stay exceeding 90 days fall within the competence of national authorities, therefore, there is no uniform routine among the Schengen Member States. Foreign nationals requesting entry to Hungary with the purpose of an extended stay may submit a residence permit application at the consulate. If the application is aproved by the competent Hungarian authority, applicants will get a visa with the validity of 30 days authorizing a single entry to Hungary.

The decision on the residence permit application falls within the scope of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing in Hungary.

Persons who are able to travel to Hungary visa free may submit their residence permit application within the territory of Hungary at the regional directorate of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing responsible for the place of residence during their legal stay if the purpose of stay is the following: student mobility,  family reunification, medical treatment, research and voluntary activities.

If the entry to Hungary does not constitute a visa-exempt travel, the application for a residence permit must be submitted prior to entering Hungary.

To make an appointment please use the following link:

I. General requirements:

  • Fully completed residence permit application form (signed by the applicant, only the Hungarian or English version is accepted).
  • Valid passport (The passport must be valid for at least 3 additional months beyond the date of expiry of the residence permit.).
  • 1 passport-size color photo (not older than 6 months).
  • Original of valid US alien registration card (residence permit, aka: green card) or valid US resident visa (type A, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, O, R). Tourist visa (B1/B2) is not accepted.
  • Airplane ticket reservation.
  • Documents evidencing comprehensive health insurance cover (covering the whole period of stay).
  • Supporting documents of accomodation (e.g. residential lease contract, document on accommodation by courtesy, a completed accommodation registration form signed by the landlord)
  • Documents evidencing subsistence (e.g. certificate issued by the employer verifying regular income during the previous six months, contract of employment, other agreement(s), or other documents (e.g., bank statement, proof of bank account balance)
  • Pre-paid and self-addressed USPS label (if the passport is not picked up in person)

Please not that the consul may request additional documents. 

The consulate reserves the right to examine the authenticity of the communicated data and the submitted documents. The communication of false data will in itself lead to the refusal of the visa application.

II. Additional requirements:

1) In the case of a residence permit for the purpose of employement, the following additional documents are needed:

  • A work permit, that can be obtained in Hungary from the Labor Authority of the county (or Budapest) where the future employment will take place. Application shall be filed by the future Hungarian employer. Once issued, the work permit shall be sent to the foreigner to submit it with the visa application.
  • A contract of employment.
  • A document certifying occupancy in Hungary.
  • A certificate on how the person will make a living until he receives his first salary (bank account statement, employer’s certificate that he will pay an advance to the person, etc.).
  • Please download the Residence Permit Application Form and Appendix 6 or Appendix 10 (intra corporate) here.


2) In the case of residence permit for the purpose of pursuing income generating activity, the following additional documents are needed:

  • A certificate on the character of the gainful activity (the articles of association).
  • The resolution on the court registration of the enterprise.
  • A document certifying occupancy in Hungary.
  • A certificate on the acquisition of the qualification necessary for filling the position.
  • A declaration, certificate on the (expected) yearly income.
  • A certificate of the amount of money at the person’s disposal in Hungary.
  • The simplified balance sheet of the previous year (for a firm already operating).
  • A certificate that the firm has no public debt (for a firm already operating).
  • If the firm has Hungarian employees: their employment contracts.
  • In case of a new enterprise: a brief business plan.

In case a visa for gainful activity is based on self employment like 1/ putting equipment into operation, providing warranty or guaranteed repair or service work, as part of the contract with the foreign supplier of the equipment; 2/ an executive officer of a company with foreign participation; 3/ a member of the supervisory board of a company with majority foreign ownership, the applicant shall submit the following particular evidence in addition to other regular documents:

  • In case of paragraph 1: (certified copy of) the contract on supplying of the equipment
  • In case of paragraph 2. and 3.: the company's articles of incorporation, the certificate of incorporation issued by the Court of Registration, certification of usefulness of the activity, as well as statements concerning the nature, scope and duration of the activities and the staff involved.
  • Please download the Residence Permint Application Form and Appendix 2 (guest self-employment) here.


3) In case of a residence permit for educational purposes, the following additional documents are needed:

  • A certificate of school attendance.
  • A document certifying occupancy in Hungary (the document certifying accommodation in a student hostel or the tenancy contract with a duplicate of the title deed).
  • The documents certifying subsistence in Hungary (bank account statement; or the declaration of the parents that they assume coverage of all costs of the stay in Hungary; or the document certifying the scholarship).
  • Attestation of the school that the applicant is exempt from the payment of school fees or that he/she has already paid the tuition fees.
  • Please download the Residence Permit Application Form and Appendix 13 here.
  • Please also check the following link.


4) In case of a residence permit for family reunification the following documents are required:

  • Document certifying occupancy in Hungary.
  • Document certifying subsistence in Hungary.
  • Marriage certificate / birth certificate.
  • Copy of the passport of the Hungarian relative.
  • Please download the Residence Permit Application Form and Appendix 23  here.


5) In case of a residence permit for research, the following additional document is needed:


6) In the case of White Card, the following additional documents are needed:

  • Documents evidencing the purpose of residence:

    • An authentic certificate on the employment relationship from the employer supporting the employment relationship verified in a country outside of Hungary, which is provided with an advanced digital technological solution from Hungary, and which document contains: the employer’s scope(s) of activity, the provision(s) on the work that may be performed electronically, as remote work and its approved duration, and the duties and the position of the third-country national.

     • The existence of an ownership interest in a company with a verified profit, in respect of which the work or the management of the company is provided with an advanced digital technological solution from Hungary, and which document contains: data and information credibly substantiating the actual operation of the company, the duties and the position of the third-country national, and the employer’s scope(s) of activity.

  • Please download the Residence Permit Application Form and Appendix 18 here.

7) Other purposes:


III. Processing time

As a general rule, the regional directorate processes the application within 30 days except for work related requests in which case it is 60 days.

In case of refusal, the applicant may lodge an appeal within 5 days from the notification. The appeal shall be submitted directly to that regional directorate of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing that processed the application.


  • The visa fee shall be paid when the application is submitted.
  • The consulate does not charge any further fees other than the above.
  • In case of a refusal of the visa, the visa processing fee cannot be refunded.
  • The fee shall be paid in USD.
  • The consulate can only accept debit or credit card as payment.
  • All documents to be presented in connection with the visa application shall be original. No copies, notarized or not, shall be accepted. Any request for waiving this requirement shall be rejected without further consideration.


IV. Records of data, data protection

According to Article 95 of the Act on entry and stay of third country nationals (No. II. of 2007) the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing as well as the consulate authority shall manage the following data of foreign nationals, based on visa applications and on visas issued:

  • natural particulars of identification;
  • nationality (stateless status);
  • photograph and passport data;
  • the purpose of entry and the planned duration of stay;
  • copies of documents verifying fulfilment of the requirements for entry and stay, or the data referring thereto;
  • the rejection of visa and the reasons, if applicable;
  • the number and series, and the period and territory of validity of the visa issued;
  • the date and place of entry and exit;
  • registered place of accommodation.

The consulate may disclose data from its register to law enforcement and criminal investigation agencies, the national security agencies and the refugee authority, to agencies specified by law or international agreement within the type of specific information defined therein, furthermore to Schengen / EU consulates in the jurisdiction.